Allergy Combo (Allergy+Thymuline)

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Beating Back Allergies with HomeoCare®'s Help

Allergies happen to the best of us every spring. Once the pollen gets moving, our eyes water, our noses clog up, and we sneeze for hours. Contrary to popular belief, however, you don't have to take powerful prescription medications to deal with the onset of your symptoms. At HomeoCare®, we offer homeopathic solutions to your allergy problem. That's where our Allergy Fighter Combo comes in!

Non-drowsy. Non-habit forming.  Presentation: Tube dispenser of approx. 80-85 sublingual homeopathic pellets (granules) (4gr.)

Recommended dosage:

Allergy Relief: Take 3 to 5 pellets, 3 times a day, away from meals. For severe symptoms, the dosage can be repeated hourly, reducing the frequency with improvement.

Thymuline: A typical dosage is 3 to 5 pellets once a week, for four weeks followed by a monthly dose for the duration of the season.

Warnings: If symptoms persist or worsen or If pregnant or nursing, consult a licensed health care practitioner. Keep this and all medicines out of reach of children.  

 *“Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.”
The information detailed on this website is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care.  Please consult a doctor or pediatrician with any questions or concerns you might have regarding this or any other medical condition.